The River West team strives to bring ingredients to the market which will enhance the production of pork.
Our Pro 88 Cheese Powder is nutrient rich with high digestibility, and is a natural attractant to young pigs, thereby increasing intake.
Many baby pig feeds are so packed with soft ingredients that they do not flow well. To alleviate this problem, we brought Flo-Aid to the market. This highly absorbent moisture control agent aids in the prevention of caking of feed during storage, which can result from mold growth and mycotoxin formation. Flo-Aid prevents the formation of hard feed chunks during storage, which can have high mold levels that contaminate clean feed.
Mold-X is used in feeds with the potential for mold growth. Mold-X will stop any mold growth in farm made rations when there is mold in the grain. Mold-X will prevent any further mold growth in the feed and will lower the pH of the feed.
Certain ingredients used to make swine feed can be very difficult to pellet. River West offers Maxi-Bond, a die lubricant and a pellet binder. This unique product will increase throughput, reduce die friction, increase die life, use less electrical power, make a more durable and harder pellet. When Maxi-Bond is introduced to a new customer, we offer a complete audit of the pelleting process with a River West representative to offer advice to improve the finished product.